Tasty Burger

Tasty Burger

Custom burger ordering service
Tasty Burger

Its extended functionality allows users to order a traditional burger from the menu or customize any option for themselves adding or removing the ingredients. Here you can check the screens showing user journey. They feature all the flow of choice and customization of a burger as well as the screens for delivery or picking up an order.

Web Design
Product Design
What we did

Its extended functionality allows users to order a traditional burger from the menu or customize any option for themselves adding or removing the ingredients. Here you can check the screens showing user journey. They feature all the flow of choice and customization of a burger as well as the screens for delivery or picking up an order.

Web Design
Product Design
SaaS and Digital products
This is some text inside of a div block.
iBilly already existed in a different form, and we needed to implement a change of focus and audience retention. We had to think carefully to cater to existing users and take into account their feedback as well as the needs of a new audience.
What we did
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.


Art Direction UI/UX Design Motion Design

Vladyslav Taran Anton Morozov Kyrylo Yerokhin

Budget in USD
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