Drug Test Innocence

Drug Test Innocence

Devastating impact of inaccurate field drug tests
Drug Test Innocence

Drug Test Innocence is an online resource that uncovers the devastating impact of inaccurate field drug tests, which are the largest source of wrongful arrests and convictions in the United States these days. The website provides a detailed presentation of the issue based on research and real cases and offers considerations and solutions on how to limit that impact. It is one more award-winning project we made in collaboration with Zealous, an organization challenging injustice through media, storytelling, and arts. The team behind the initiative is The Roadside Drug Test Innocence Alliance, which is dedicated to reducing the harm done by inaccurate field test kits.

Web Design
Motion Design
Philanthropy & Social Good Legal & Consultancy
With the thoughtful arrangement and power of visual storytelling, we had to turn the massive text content on the problem into a socially impactful resource that would engage people in the topic and let them obtain valuable information conveniently.
What we did
  • Defined the visual style approach and structure for effective content presentation
  • Designed and implemented an informative as well as aesthetically and emotionally appealing website
  • Applied various tools and techniques of visual communication to make web pages captivating and impressive
  • Integrated a variety of graphics, 3D visualizations, and animations, amplifying data presentation and coherence of user experience

Drug Test Innocence is an online resource that uncovers the devastating impact of inaccurate field drug tests, which are the largest source of wrongful arrests and convictions in the United States these days. The website provides a detailed presentation of the issue based on research and real cases and offers considerations and solutions on how to limit that impact. It is one more award-winning project we made in collaboration with Zealous, an organization challenging injustice through media, storytelling, and arts. The team behind the initiative is The Roadside Drug Test Innocence Alliance, which is dedicated to reducing the harm done by inaccurate field test kits.

Web Design
Motion Design
SaaS and Digital products
This is some text inside of a div block.
iBilly already existed in a different form, and we needed to implement a change of focus and audience retention. We had to think carefully to cater to existing users and take into account their feedback as well as the needs of a new audience.
What we did
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.


Art Direction UI/UX Design Motion Design Project Management

Vladyslav Taran Denys Koloskov Andriy Drobovych Anastasiia Ostapenko

Budget in USD
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